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National welding days: Nicro and Weld & Tests srl‘s workshop

On 24th and 25th of May, at the Congress Center at Old Port of Genova, took place the reference event in the manufacture of welded products field. Technical-scientific workshop, training courses, updates, expositions…Nicro couldn’t miss it. Nicro partecipated with a thematic workshop in collaboration with Weld & Tests srl on “Characterization of welded joints in Alloy 602 CA®, using different welding processes”.

Characterization of welded joints in Alloy 602 CA®, using different welding

The Alloy based on Nichel NiCr25FeAlY, whose trade name is Alloy 602 CA®, is an alloy widely used in the steel industry in order to realize artifacts which will then operate in contexts subject to pressure and extremes temperatures. Equipment for heat treatment of metallic materials such as radiant tubes, muffles, furnaces and retorts: thanks to its deep knowledge of materials, Nicro uses Alloy 602 CA® because of its chemical and mechanical properties. On one hand, Alloy 602 CA® has the virtue of resisting oxidation at very high temperatures (in furnaces for heat treatment, temperatures reach and often exceed 1200), hot creep, and mechanically it has excellent tensile, ductility and fatigue strength.

On the other hand, Alloy 602 CA® has the drawback during the welding process such as cracking problems. To solve the problem, welding processes must be carefully studied and optimized: Nicro, expert in the construction of high-strength steel alloys, thought the workshop in this direction with the rapporteurs Luca Colognesi and Gianantonio Marena and Riccardo Riva (the speaker) from Weld&Tests srl, company specialized in testing and trial of metal materials.

The workshop has investigated the characteristics of welded joints in Alloy 602 made through different welding processes such as plasma welding (PAW), GMAW and GTAW. It was taken into account possible effects of different types of welding but also differences in the use of different gas or of different Welding Gas Mixtures. Obviously, the joints obtained during the workshop have been examined according to qualification of welding processes related. It has also been examined the addition of micrographic analysis in order to ensure the absence of micro-slurry cracks or cracks formed because of high temperatures in the molten zone, or in the Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ).

Nicro once more makes school: contact those with almost fifty years of experience in the field for your steel projects or for your products and your special alloy works.

We will meet your every need such as, components and accessories for heat treatment furnaces like bells, basics, diffusers, funs, scrubbers but also components for the petrochemical sector. Contact Nicro, get a personalized consultation service and realize with us your project of any size and any difficulty, also customized.

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