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Soliveri & Partners: Seventy Years of Remarkable Achievements

With over seventy years of entrepreneurial history and a constant evolution aimed at new goals, these were the milestones celebrated throughout May, involving both the local community and the network of companies of which Nicro is a part, linked to the Soliveri family. A series of initiatives, such as the creation of a book and a documentary film featuring interviews with associates and collaborators of Gerolamo (Nino) Soliveri, founder of Soliveri Trattamenti Termici in 1954, culminated in the big event on May 31st.

The Antistatus Philosophy: The Movement Underlying Nicro’s Evolution

Antistatus, or the change in one’s condition, the refusal to crystallize characteristics over time, to assert a new aspect of oneself. This concept underpins the narrative of the entrepreneurial adventure of the Soliveri & Partners network:

“The love for what is dynamic, for speed, for never stopping is what distinguishes the entire history of a great family.”

From the entrepreneurial beginnings of the Soliveri family in 1905 in the production of bricks, tiles, and terracotta, to the post-war era, with the ice production business in the town of Caravaggio: from its origins, the history of the companies forming today’s corporate network (Soliveri, Nicro, TAV VACUUM FURNACES, TAVENGINEERING) has been guided by the concept of evolving to become stronger.

“It’s incredible how, within the same family, fire and ice can coexist in the same habitat.”

In the 1950s and 1960s, during the economic miracle, Gerolamo Soliveri, known as Nino, achieved the first major milestone in the family’s entrepreneurial history by leveraging his extensive experience as a lathe operator at Magneti Marelli into a new economic venture, Soliveri Trattamenti Termici.


Similarly, Nicro’s history since its foundation in the 1970s is fundamentally a family story: from the idea of developing new solutions for heat treatment equipment at Soliveri, to the technological and digital developments of the new generation led by Angelo and Gerolamo, known as Gerry, son and grandson of Nino. A family that, like many others, has navigated the highs and lows of the industrial crises that have affected Italy, overcoming downturns in the market while continuing to evolve alongside their services, to stay abreast of the times, thanks to the commitment of management and skilled workers.

Through its core business — constructing ultra-resistant steel alloy artifacts with high nickel content for multiple industrial applications, especially in highly corrosive and high-temperature environments — and the digitalization of its business processes, Nicro now sits at the heart of an industry-specific network of enterprises.

Today, the network includes not only Soliveri and Nicro but also TAV Vacuum Furnaces and TAVENGINEERING. TAV (Tecnologie Alto Vuoto) emerged in the 1980s from the challenge of establishing a company dedicated to the design, manufacture, and sale of vacuum furnaces for heat treatment. Today, the Soliveri family leads the company and its international development. In 1999, to meet the demand for high-quality service, particularly in foreign markets, TAVENGINEERING was established, expanding into revamping and the design of specific solutions within the sector.

Thus, organizing a specific event to commemorate the origins of the network proved to be a thoroughly appropriate decision, as it allowed all those who contribute daily to the success of the companies to better understand the reasons behind the creation and development of it all.

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